Break and Enter Lawyer Winnipeg

Being charged with break and enter can be very serious. Speak to an experienced criminal lawyer who will aggressively defend you.
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Legal Definition and Consequences

Break and enter involves unlawfully entering or breaking into a place with the intent to commit an indictable offense inside. This can include homes, businesses, and other structures. The crime does not necessarily require physical breaking; simply entering through an unlocked door can suffice if done with criminal intent.

In Canada, the crime of break and enter can have differing levels of punishment.

Instances involving residential properties carry the most significant weight under the law, reflecting the sanctity and privacy of one’s home. If a person is found guilty of this charge linked to a dwelling-house, they could be facing a potential life sentence. This underscores the serious nature of violating the security of someone’s residence.

When a break and enter occurs at a commercial property or any non-residential location, the potential prison term is reduced, but it remains considerable—up to ten years. The seriousness of the offence and the subsequent penalties serve as a deterrent, emphasizing the importance of property rights.

Should the act of break and enter be coupled with another serious crime, like assault or theft, the legal system may impose harsher penalties. These reflect the elevated threat to society posed by offenders who commit multiple crimes simultaneously. 

Beyond the strict legal penalties, a conviction can lead to challenges with employment, societal stigma, and for those not holding Canadian citizenship, potential immigration issues.

The Role of a Criminal Lawyer in Break and Enter Cases

A criminal lawyer uses their detailed knowledge of property rights and laws to help with the case. This is very important since understanding these laws can make a big difference in how the case is defended.

The lawyer will look closely at all the physical evidence, such as DNA or video from security cameras, to make sure it was collected and handled correctly. They can also go back to where the break-in happened to find new evidence or check if something was missed before.

Sometimes, people who saw the crime happen must pick the person they think did it from a group of people. A lawyer can be there to make sure this is done right and the accused’s rights are respected.

One big part of proving a break and enter charge is showing that the accused went into the place without permission and planned to do something illegal. Lawyers can ask tough questions about this to create doubt about the accusation.

Lawyers can also fight for more favorable bail conditions for their client, enabling them to have more freedom while awaiting trial. This can greatly impact the accused’s ability to work, care for their family, and prepare for court proceedings.

Lastly, if the case doesn’t look good for the accused, the lawyer will try to get a lighter sentence by showing things like the person’s regret or other personal factors. This can help reduce the sentence.

Defending Break and Enter Charges

Defending against break and enter charges requires a strategic approach that factors in legal intricacies and the specific case details. An effective defence begins with meticulous case preparation, strategic planning before the trial, and a thorough understanding of trial and court procedures, each aspect working in concert to support the accused’s case.

Common Defence Strategies

Exploring all possible defence strategies is crucial for a strong legal response. Each strategy offers a different avenue to challenge the prosecution’s case, tailored to the unique elements and facts surrounding the charge.

The following defences require careful construction and presentation in court, with varying degrees of evidence and testimony necessary to establish each defence:

Mistake of Fact: This strategy involves the belief that the accused mistakenly thought they had the right to enter the property. It requires showing that the accused had a genuine belief with reason and without intent to commit a crime.

Alibi: An alibi defence means proving the accused was elsewhere when the crime occurred. It relies on witnesses or evidence to confirm the accused’s location, establishing they could not have committed the break and enter.

Consent to Enter: Here, the defence argues that the accused had permission to be on the property. It’s necessary to demonstrate valid and voluntary consent was given by someone authorized to grant it.

Lack of Intent: This strategy centers on disproving intent to commit an offence after entry. To succeed, the defence must provide evidence or testimony that negates the intention to commit a criminal act inside the property.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms Violations: The accused may argue their rights under the Canadian Charter were violated during the investigation or arrest. Demonstrating such breaches can lead to evidence exclusion or case dismissal.

Duress: This defence indicates the accused was forced to commit the break and enter under threat of harm. It must be shown that there was an immediate threat of physical harm, causing the accused to act against their will.

Identification Issues: Disputing the accuracy of witness or victim identification can be key. Challenges may focus on the reliability of the identification process and the possibility of mistaken identity.

Withdrawal: In cases involving multiple suspects, if the accused withdrew from the act before it occurred, this defence could be used. Proof of withdrawal must be clear, showing no further involvement in planning or executing the crime. 

Case Preparation

In preparing a case for someone charged with break and enter, a criminal lawyer will deeply analyze all aspects of the accusation. This process begins with a detailed interview with the accused to collect their account of events and any evidence they might provide. Lawyers review the prosecution’s evidence, looking for inconsistencies or weaknesses, and gather evidence that could support the defence, such as surveillance footage or witness statements. 

A lawyer might also re-examine the crime scene to identify any overlooked details that could prove pivotal. They will often consult with experts who can provide insights into the evidence or testify on behalf of the accused. Legal counsel might also assess the credibility of the prosecution’s witnesses and prepare cross-examination strategies to challenge their statements.

The accused plays a critical role in this phase, providing essential information and cooperating with their lawyer. It’s important for the accused to understand the process, remain transparent with their lawyer, and follow legal advice closely.

Pre-Trial Strategy

Pre-trial strategy is a critical component of defending against break and enter charges, as it sets the foundation for the approach to be taken in court. A criminal lawyer may engage in negotiations with the Crown to possibly reduce or dismiss the charges based on the strength of evidence or mitigating factors. They will file motions to challenge evidence or seek remedies for any rights violations under the Canadian Charter. Lawyers also work on refining their legal arguments, considering all avenues for creating reasonable doubt, such as issues with how evidence was obtained or discrepancies in witness testimonies.

This stage can influence the amount of evidence that is admissible, the legal issues that will be deemed relevant, and the overall readiness for trial. Effective pre-trial strategies aim to weaken the prosecution’s case while strengthening the defence, ultimately working towards a dismissal or reduced charges before the case proceeds to trial.

Trial and Court Procedures

When charged with a crime such as break and enter, an accused person will go through a structured legal process. It starts with an arraignment, where the charges are formally read and a plea is entered. Pre-trial motions and hearings may follow, addressing legal issues before the main trial. The trial itself involves the selection of a jury, opening statements by prosecution and defence, presentation of evidence, witness testimonies, cross-examinations, and closing arguments.

In break and enter cases, the accused can expect to face specific scrutiny regarding the alleged unlawful entry and intent to commit a crime inside. The trial will focus on the prosecution’s evidence, the credibility of testimonies, and any physical evidence presented. The defence will have opportunities to dispute the prosecution’s claims, present their own evidence, and argue for the accused’s innocence.

The trial process is an orchestrated effort to uncover the truth and make a determination of guilt or innocence based on the presented facts. A criminal lawyer is essential in navigating the complexities of this process. They ensure the proper legal procedure is followed, the accused’s rights are upheld, and the defence is presented effectively and persuasively. This guidance is fundamental for a fair trial and the best possible outcome.

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Selecting a Qualified Criminal Lawyer

Choosing a qualified criminal lawyer is an important consideration for those charged with break and enter, as legal expertise can significantly impact the case’s progression and outcome. The lawyer’s experience with similar cases, their ability to understand and analyze your specific situation, effective communication, and clarity regarding costs are all critical factors that play into this decision.


Experience with Break and Enter Cases

I understand the importance of experience when it comes to defending break and enter charges. Having represented numerous clients in such cases, I recognize that an intimate knowledge of the relevant legal precedents and tactics can be advantageous. This experience allows me to anticipate the prosecution's arguments and build a robust defense tailored to the specifics for each case.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, our familiarity with these types of cases helps us navigate the complexities efficiently. Our goal is to leverage our understanding to work towards the best possible outcome for each client, based on the individual facts and circumstances of their case.


Understanding Your Case

Listening and understanding a client's story is essential. As a lawyer, it's my job to get all the facts straight and see things from your point of view. This helps me build strong defenses and make sure that your side of the story is heard.

It's also important to stay objective, which means I look at the evidence without any bias and consider all possibilities. At Wiebe Criminal Defence, empathy is part of how we work. We aim to see the full picture of what you're going through and handle your case with fairness and care.



Going through criminal charges can be unsettling, and clear communication is key during such times. I understand the need for constant and consistent updates about your case.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we prioritize keeping you informed every step of the way. It's important you know what to expect. We are honest about the potential outcomes and our capabilities. You can rely on us to share the real picture and work tirelessly on your behalf.


Cost Considerations

Facing a break and enter charge means you'll need a strong defence, which often comes with cost considerations. In legal practice, there are generally two billing options: per-hour fees and block retainers. Per-hour fees can vary based on the time spent on your case, while a block retainer is a set fee for legal services.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we often recommend a block retainer arrangement as it allows me to dedicate the necessary time to your case without the pressure of hourly billing. This approach means I can focus on achieving the best possible outcome within the specific circumstances of your case. It offers peace of mind and financial predictability, helping you to manage costs during a challenging time.