8 Things TV Gets Wrong About Criminal Defense Lawyers

Last updated
March 27, 2025

What are the criminal lawyers in Winnipeg usually mistaken for? Well, first in this system of rules are integrated branches, such as criminal law, Constitutional Law or administrative law. Depending on their interests, the top Winnipeg lawyers track and take cases. However, there are a few misconceptions related to the lawyers as we hear on TV. Let’s steer clear the way!

1.    The lawyer’s work: a
partiality that is not conspiracy with the lie

One of the first issues that the criminal
lawyer face when he begins his professional practice is to become aware of and
assume the partiality that permeates his performance in both judicial and
extrajudicial areas. We speak of awareness because society, in general, is not
going to accept this quality readily, otherwise essential in our professional
activity. It is one of the first challenges of the lawyer to understand without
fissures the importance of our bias and know how to transmit it when necessary
to those who have a wrong perception of it.

2.    Lawyers create ineffectual

It tosses to all ears that criminal lawyers drag a lot of history on their backs. Also, the truth is that it is difficult to convince people that for the operation of the judicial system is essential. Lawyers are partial and that such bias does not suppose a conspiracy with the lie.

We must start from the idea that
the lawyer is obliged to know with maximum objectivity all the facts that make
up the matter entrusted, both those that favor and those that harm his defense.
In the examination of such circumstances must maintain a position of absolute
fairness and impartiality. This is what we call objective truth in the face of
the subjective truth presented to the client.

3.    Lawyers demonstrate
reprehensible behavior.

To any criminal lawyer the
transcendence of his profession is to affirm that in a particular document
something is said, or that a tangible physical reality does not exist. He is
the first to know that whoever did this would be doomed to disregard and to the
absolute failure and that such behavior would inevitably turn against him and
his clients.

Lying is, in the end, and always,
so apparent that no one with a minimum of dignity and intelligence would dare
to commit the awkwardness of being in evidence and of gaining the reputation of
a cheat.

4.    Lawyers white lie no matter
how and when

Recently a prosecutor in the
capital TV told that when a lawyer goes to his office, he does not believe what
he says is true because of the coldness with which he usually speaks lies to
such an extent that it seems that he himself already understands what he is
worthy of being studied by psychiatry.

A lawyer loses respect, esteem, and
consideration when he makes part of his arguments, lies, and some people
including his clients. It is because the criminal lawyer makes his daily bread,
which pronounces him in a way usual as if those who are by his side do not
realize the battery of lies. If you are one of those, check that something is
very wrong in your personality.

5.    Lawyers aren’t your friend

A parallel and deadly flaw in the
legal profession is the malicious adulation against a lawyer behind his back.
The envy or professional success of the other lawyer advances because it has
flaws in his personality that do not allow him to get good customers and resort
to personal criticism with colleagues. Praising the phrase “the criticism
behind my back is the honor that makes me the envy and mediocrity to

6.    Lies and mediocrity are
getting worse

When they must be endured in
silence when the courtesy and the solemnity ask you to stand before a lawyer
excited and intoxicated with lies and lies, while others want to explode. That
is constant suffering in the exercise of the profession, luckily not
generalized. It strikes as a lawyer can tell an outrageous lie and then go to sleep
“quiet.”  We wish that
psychology could define these behaviors of how a criminal lawyer is so capable
of swallowing a soap and not even burping, luckily they are the exception.

7.    Why do lawyer swear

When a lawyer swears before God for
the country and his honor, respect and enforce laws, moral and ethical
principles- it is the duty to honor the profession. Judges and prosecutors are
in the mission to verbally admonish the lawyer lying because this with their
lies tries to influence them and lead or mislead their decisions. There are
lawyers who when they speak have already lost so much moral credibility that
beforehand, no one believes they are still in that instant telling the truth.
It is something fatal for a criminal lawyer.

8.    Lawyers do not follow the
Code Of Ethics

The banal and unjustifiable excuses
in a lawyer are harmful to their clients, judges, and prosecutors. A lawyer who
has promised a magical or impossible solution to his client just for charging
fees, in the end, will be evil, he will lose the case. Later, he and the client
would easily be subject to the disciplinary tribunal of the bar association,
seeing how he is given the head to follow the Code of Ethics.

There is an old joke in which a
friend asks another if he knows the infallible way to tell if your lawyer is
lying to you when he speaks to you. Intrigued, the aforementioned states that
he does not know. He replies: “Very easy: move your lips.”

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