How to Deal With a DUI

Last updated
March 27, 2025

In the case of being charged with impaired driving or DUI, you are facing more than just suspension of your driver’s license. When accused of a DUI penalty in Winnipeg, it is crucial to understand the possible penalties and consequences of a conviction to make an informed decision on how you want to proceed. It is a stressful time, and often people make rash decisions under stress. Seek help from a driving offense lawyer and feel secure that he has your best interests at heart.

What is DUI?                                              

A DUI is a criminal offence, according to the Criminal Code of Canada. This offence occurs when the driver’s ability is impaired due to the use of drugs or alcohol. A related offence is driving over 0.08, which occurs when a driver operates a vehicle with a blood-alcohol ratio of over 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. Your motor vehicle license will be suspended immediately if:

  • You register a ‘warn’ or ‘fail’ on the breathalyzer
  • You fail a physical coordination test
  • The officer believes that you are too impaired to perform a physical coordination test or to comply with a demand to provide a breath sample

When your driver’s license is suspended:

  • You cannot drive any type of vehicle
  • Your car may be removed by the officer and stored at your expense
  • You are subjected to pay $50 fine for license reinstatement
  • If you receive one or more 3-month suspension, you have to attend a mandatory impaired driver’s assessment at your expense

Other charges include:

  • Refusing to provide a breath sample
  • DUI causing death or bodily harm
  • Driving over 0.08 causing death or physical harm

Drinking and Driving is Not Against the Law in Winnipeg

It may be thought that your situation cannot be helped because you had a drink before driving, or you failed the breath test. But that is not the case. In Canada, drinking and driving alone is not against the law. There are a lot of misconceptions, but don’t let these negatively impact your future.

Get Facts Straight Before Entering a Plea

Facing a DUI is a stressful situation. In your hurry to put this situation behind you, you may plead guilty, and that will be the worst thing in your favour. A criminal record can affect your ability to travel or work, and if convicted, you face significant fines and possible jail time. Fortunately, your legal help in Winnipeg will stand with you during this situation. Never assume that your case is open and shut until your driving offence lawyer has critically reviewed your evidence.

You must lace yourself with information on a DUI and take help from an expert in DUI laws. Talk to your family about the consequences of driving under impairment and make sure you monitor their movements at all times. Protect your family, friends, and neighbours. Make the right choice; don’t drink or do drugs and drive!

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